Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project!

The Soon To Be Famous Blog

2025 Contest Launches April 1

Calling all Illinois self- or indie-published authors!

On April 1, the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project will kick off its 12th annual contest which recognizes excellence in self- or indie-published books. Works of adult or young adult fiction as well as memoirs will be accepted from April 1 through May 31, 2025.

With entries judged by Illinois library staff members, this unique contest captures the power of libraries and librarians to connect readers with great reads and to raise the profiles of Illinois authors. For complete information about contest requirements, entry information, and prizes, click here

Our contest winner will receive a $2,000 prize, state-wide recognition and publicity, plus opportunities to promote their book at Illinois libraries, and the choice to make their book available to a select ebook collection which may earn royalties.

Also, all entrants will have the opportunity to enter the Indie Author Project contest. This a separate event that is open to self- and indie-published authors worldwide. Authors entering the Illinois contest will automatically be given the option to simultaneously enter the Indie Author Project contest which selects one winner and two honorable mentions in each of the following genres: Mystery/Thrillers, Romance, SciFi/Fantasy, Historical Fiction, General/Contemporary Fiction, Memoir, and Young Adult. Click here for more information about this exciting opportunity.

Past winners of the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project contest have enjoyed increased sales, more visibility through appearances at Illinois libraries, and the credibility that comes from recognition by members of one of the most trusted professions around—librarians.

2024 Winner: Michelle Cox

For the tenth consecutive year, Illinois librarians have uncovered literary gems missed by the traditional publishing world through the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project contest.

This year’s outstanding winner is The Fallen Woman’s Daughter by Michelle Cox of Grayslake. Upon learning of her win, Michelle said, "I'm absolutely thrilled that my first truly indie book has been honored with this award.  I'd like to thank the judges and librarians who selected my book, but also to all the thousands of librarians who make a difference to so many in their community. I applaud you!"

Cox will receive a cash prize as well as opportunities to promote her book at Illinois libraries, and the opportunity to make her book available to Illinois library users through the online collection, Indie Author Project Select on the platform

Called “an addictive read” by Kirkus Reviews, The Fallen Woman’s Daughter tells the story of eight-year-old Nora who along with her sister arrives at the Park Ridge School for Girls in 1932, certain that there has been some mistake. When their mother fails to rescue them week after week—and cruel house matron, Mrs. Morris drops hints that their mother may be a “fallen woman”—Nora begins to doubt they will ever see her again. The story that unfolds uncovers secrets of a tragic choice Nora’s mother was forced to make, and the attempts by the daughters and their mother to seek reconciliation and forgiveness.

Learn more about this book and other works by Michelle Cox on her website.

Congratulations Michelle!

2024 Finalists Selected: STBF Illinois Author Project Contest

Once again, our Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project judges have completed their review of the 2024 contest submissions of indie-published books by Illinois authors. They've narrowed down the entries to these top three (listed below in alphabetical order by author’s last name):

The Fallen Woman’s Daughter by Michelle Cox - Grayslake Area Public Library

The Crimson Court by Brendan Noble - Rockford Public Library

Abigail’s Song by Alina Rubin - Niles Public Library

Congratulations to these three finalists who go on to compete in the final round of judging where one will emerge as 2024's winner. Watch this blog for the winner announcement later this year.

Our 2024 Manuscript Winner

Authors from across the state submitted a total of 27 manuscripts to this year’s Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Manuscript Project (STBF). Librarians across the state volunteered their time and expertise to judge these entries and are proud to announce this year’s winner: Patti Sherry-Crews of Evanston for her story The Wizard of Odd.

The story follows the life of Miles, a successful voice-over actor in crisis, who flees his life in L.A. to take a job as a house and dog sitter on small Todd Island, Odd Island as the residents sometimes call it. There, he unwittingly becomes an agent of chaos when the inhabitants start coming to him with their problems, subconsciously mistaking his soothing, recognizable voice as someone who gives a damn, which he doesn’t. But in the end, Miles is the character who goes on a spiritual journey and comes out transformed at the conclusion.

Patti shared that her book, The Wizard of Odd, like the classic the Wizard of Oz, explores, “…how people will sometimes give more weight to advice or opinions of others over their own instincts. Taking a page from my own book, I deliberately didn’t show any version of this manuscript to anyone, which was a first for me. The first sets of eyes on The Wizard of Odd were the judges of the Soon to be Famous Contest. I knew the story I wanted to tell and how I wanted to tell it. Like the inhabitants of Todd Island, I know I’m susceptible to the opinions of others, and that would’ve made a hash of my story the same as Miles made a hash of the lives of residents of Todd Island.”

Libraries definitely have a special place in Patti’s heart. “This is the second time I’ve had a manuscript make it to the finals in this contest. I submitted a different manuscript a few years ago and making it to the finals in a contest judged by librarians changed my trajectory as a writer,” she commented, “and my favorite job was when I worked the Circulation Desk at Wilmette Public Library. I'm a big fan of the public library so this means a lot to me.”

As the winner, Patti will receive free line-editing and cover design services for her manuscript provided by STBF sponsor, Lyrasis. Also, if she decides to self-publish or indie-publish The Wizard of Odd,  it will be automatically entered in next year’s Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project contest.

The STBF Project, now in its 10th year, is entirely run by librarians and other library staff who volunteer their time. Their goal is to recognize and promote outstanding self- or indie-published adult fiction (and memoir for the book contest), to support local authors, and to bring more great reads to library patrons.

2024 Manuscript Finalists Announced

The 2024 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project Manuscript competition is proud to announce this year’s finalists:

  • Nicky by Hailey Atwood (West Chicago Public Library District)
  • The Wizard of Odd by Patti Sherry-Crews (Evanston Public Library)
  • Expedition Noah by Jeremy Zentner (Fondulac Library District)

Authors from across the state submitted a total of 27 manuscripts to this year’s contest. Librarians across the state have volunteered their time and expertise to judge these entries and narrow the list down to these three outstanding finalists.

Fondulac Library District resident Jeremy Zentner commented, “To be honored as a finalist in a state-wide competition from the state that brought us Ray Bradbury and is home to Veronica Roth is especially endearing to me, as Expedition Noah is also a sci-fi adventure and I'm a major fan of sci-fi authors. Thank you to everyone who put in the work to make this competition happen!” 

Hailey Atwood from West Chicago was also thrilled to have her story selected. “Nicky is a psychological thriller that follows Adam, a self-proclaimed psychopath who hides behind his success as a respected anesthesiologist, until one day, a young woman dies mysteriously, leaving her dog Nicky behind as a witness. I developed the premise when I adopted my own dog from a rescue organization. He became absolutely terrified when I opened a bottle of wine, and I learned that his previous owner had died suddenly from something alcohol-related, and he discovered her body. It made me think about how little we know of everyone's backstory, and how people discover things about themselves and others.”

Patti Sherry-Crews shared that her book, The Wizard of Odd, like the classic the Wizard of Oz, explores “…how people will sometimes give more weight to advice or opinions of others over their own instincts. Taking a page from my own book, I deliberately didn’t show any version of this manuscript to anyone, which was a first for me. The first sets of eyes on The Wizard of Odd were the judges of the Soon to be Famous Contest. I knew the story I wanted to tell and how I wanted to tell it. Like the inhabitants of Todd Island, I know I’m susceptible to the opinions of others, and that would’ve made a hash of my story the same as Miles made a hash of the lives of residents of Todd Island.”

These three entries go to our final round of judging. We'll announce the overall winner later this summer. The winning author will receive free line-editing and cover design services provided by our sponsor, Lyrasis, for their manuscript. Should the winner decide to self-publish or indie-publish their manuscript, that book will be automatically entered in next year’s Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project Book Contest.

The goal of the STBF Project, now in its 10th year, is to recognize and promote outstanding self- or indie-published adult fiction (and memoir for the IAP contest) to support local authors and bring more great reads to library patrons.

2024 Manuscript Semi-finalists Selected

We're pleased to release the list of our semi-finalists for the 2024 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Manuscript Project contest. Congratulations to these authors for being recognized by our judges for their work (in alphabetical order by author’s last name):

  • Walkin’ the Edge by Cherie Carol (Chicago Ridge Public Library)
  • Good Humor by Michael J. Elsey (Chicago Public Library
  • The Things We Keep by Erich Keime (Sugar Grove Public Library District)
  • The Ghost-Bind by Kendra Lindholm (Ela Area Public Library District)
  • Sand, Sun, Hit-and-Run by Mary Kate Mandeville (Chicago Public Library)
  • Nicky by Hailey Atwood (West Chicago Public Library District)
  • The Apocalypse Plan by Ronnie Parrone (Washington District Library)
  • The Ambulance Chaser’s Lament by Jeff Scheidel (Westmont Public Library)
  • The Untimely Death of Erica Javitz by Barbara E. Schmidt (Lillie M. Evans Library District)
  • The Wizard of Odd by Patti Sherry-Crews (Evanston Public Library)
  • Expedition Noah by Jeremy Zentner (Fondulac Public Library District)

These semi-finalists now move into the next stage where our judges will select the top finalists. Watch for this announcement in June. For details about the contest, click here.

2024 Contest Accepting Submissions

The 2024 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project Contest is now accepting submissions through May 31, 2024.

On April 1, 2024 we opened the submission portal for Illinois adult and YA authors to submit their self- and indie-published works to our latest contest. This year mark the eleventh year of the powerful way for authors to elevate their careers and writing goals, powered by the library community.

For this contest, we've expanded the genres to include memoirs for the first time. Complete details, rules, and submission link for the contest can be found here.

Also new for this year: entering your book into our Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project provides simultaneous (and optional) entry into the annual Indie Author Project contest, too. This separate contest is open to self- and indie-published authors from across the globe to compete. One winner and two honorable mentions will be chosen in each of the following genres: Mystery/Thrillers, Romance, SciFi/Fantasy, Historical Fiction, General/Contemporary Fiction, Memoir, and Young Adult. For more information about this exciting additional contest click here.

If you're ready to submit your work, click this link. Hurry! The contest submission deadline is May 31, 2024.

UPDATE: June 1, 2024. The contest is now closed to submissions and is in its judging phase. Watch this website for our finalists announcement later this Summer.

Past Winners at Galena LitFest

Five of our award-winning indie authors shared their thoughts on writing, marketing, and independent publishing in a virtual panel event as part of Galena LitFest 2024. Moderated by Soon to Be Famous committee member, Lucy Tarabour, the event took place February 13, 2024.

Watch the video replay in its entirety below.

The virtual panel features current and past winners of the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author contests, including the 2022 winner in the adult fiction category, Alina Rubin, the 2022 winner of the manuscript award, Sarah Roots, and past winners: Joanne Zienty, Michael Alan Peck, and Geralyn Hesslau Magrady.

Galena LitFest is the tenth annual literary festival organized and funded by the Galena Public Library with support from the Friends of the Galena Public Library. Events take place February through May 2024.

2023 Winner Announced

Angelique Burrell, teacher, writer, and mom, can now add “award-winning author” to  her long list of accomplishments. On January 23, her young adult novel A Mark in the Road was chosen winner of the 2023 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project book competition.

Angelique commented, “I was honored to be a finalist and winning is beyond my expectations, especially after learning about the talented authors who were also finalists. I am without words, partly because I’m jumping up and down!  And thank you to the Illinois Author Project for holding this competition to help new Illinois authors connect with readers and to the Illinois libraries for supporting and promoting creativity and independent thought through all their programming and resources.” 

There was high praise for A Mark in the Road from the volunteer librarian judges:

“A thrilling and enjoyable novel with a touch of magical realism and a unique premise anchored by a classic road trip. I genuinely enjoyed my entire time with this book and find it easy to recommend to teen and adult readers alike. Mason and Addie read like two real high school students with a little chemistry and a lot of history, and the supernatural slant separates this out from other thrillers/light romances. Among the nine titles I read for this competition, this one stands heads and shoulders above the rest.”

“It's a thought-provoking premise that traumatic events can trigger unknown human abilities. Without preaching, the story demonstrates the importance of sharing inner thoughts and struggles.”

“Well written suspense with relatable characters and intriguing dialogue. The pacing was on-point and lent to a climactic finish.”

“This was a very creative concept for a plot. I’ve never read anything like it.”

“Well-developed characters, believable dialogue and relatable situations made this an easy-to-read story that kept me interested from beginning to end. Rich descriptions of the characters helped me sympathize with their challenges and cheer for their triumphs!”

As winner, Angelique will win a $2000 cash prize and the opportunity to appear at author events at Illinois libraries, as well as the chance to have her novel included in a select collection of ebooks available to the public through their libraries.

Congratulations Angelique!

Of the many book competitions in existence, the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project (STBF) is unique because it was created and is run exclusively by librarians and other library staff. No other group is more in tune with what appeals to readers than librarians, and no other group is more trusted to make good recommendations. 

Now entering its tenth year, the Project is the brainchild of a group of library marketing professionals who challenged themselves to demonstrate the power of libraries to create a market for authors and find more great reads for their patrons. STBF invites all Illinois authors of self- or indie-published adult or young adult fiction to submit their books to be evaluated by a panel of librarian judges.  In 2015, the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project won the prestigious John Cotton Dana Award for excellence in library public relations by the American Library Association.

Since its inception, STBF has been replicated in 14 states and two Canadian provinces. With help from sponsor BiblioLabs, a division of Lyrasis, winning books from all regions now compete for Indie Author of the Year. Learn more at

The Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author project is being coordinated in collaboration with the Illinois Library Association (ILA) and Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and is supported by the American Library Association Digital Content Working Group, the Public Library Association (PLA), and the Illinois Heartland Library System.


Naperville author wins 2023 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project

Published here courtesy of the NAPERVILLE SUN

By Tess Kenny

Naperville Sun

Published: Jan 23, 2024

Naperville author Angelique Burrell, right, seen here with her daughter, Hadyn, in front of a poster for her book, is the winner of the 2023 Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project.

Burrell, selected from among three finalists, won the statewide writing competition for her debut novel, A Mark in the Road.

“I’m astounded,” Burrell said Tuesday, just after hearing the news. “Certainly, I was honored to be nominated but winning was just beyond all of my expectations. … I’m so completely shocked.”

Established in 2013, the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project is a celebration of self- or indie-published authors across the state. It was started by a group of librarians in northern Illinois who wanted to demonstrate how important self-published books can be in the lives of readers.

Library professionals still run the contest today.

Every year for the past decade, the project has enticed Illinois writers to submit their books to be evaluated by a panel of volunteer librarian judges. The venture is also coordinated in collaboration with the Illinois Library Association and the Reaching Across Illinois Library System.

When Burrell first heard that she was named a 2023 finalist earlier this month, she said she couldn’t believe it.

“I was thrilled and so honored because it is difficult to be a writer when you’re putting something out there, and there’s that idea of rejection and (whether) people are going to like it — there’s all of that self-doubt that goes into it,” she said. “So it was just uplifting to find out that I was a finalist.”

Burrell, a longtime resident of Naperville, has dabbled in writing for most of her life. For years, she scratched her passion for writing in the classroom. A high school English teacher for the past three decades, Burrell has long shared her love for writing with her students.

But about 10 years ago, she decided she was going to focus on her craft and write a book. That’s how A Mark in the Road began.

Published in October 2023, A Mark in the Road is a young adult thriller. It tells the story of 18-year-old Mason, who can see the stories behind skid marks left in the road, Burrell said.

“If he goes over them, (what happened) plays out in his mind,” she said.

The book follows Mason as he goes on a cross-country road trip from Naperville to Nevada, and the stories he sees along the way.

The concept was inspired by Burrell’s own road trips with her family.

“Our trips … were kind of the fuel for it and just kind of created the story,” she said. “(I crafted) a lot of it while we were driving, just in my mind while we were on the road.”

Burrell said her debut novel was made possible by her publisher and her agent, but also the support she’s received from friends and neighbors, one of whom helped design the cover of A Mark in the Road.

A few weeks ago, Burrell was featured in a local author showcase at Anderson’s Bookshop in downtown Naperville. Burrell’s book is now available at Anderson’s as well as the Naperville Public Library.

“It’s been a group project, I would say,” she said.

As the winner of the Soon to Be Famous Illinois Author Project’s 2023 competition, Burrell will receive $2,000 and the opportunity to promote her book at Illinois public libraries.

Burrell said she didn’t even know about the prize. She was just happy to win.

“Getting anything else is just a bonus,” she said.

Accolades aside, Burrell said what makes this honor especially rewarding is it’s an affirmation as much as it is an award.

“It definitely gives kind of a new sense of energy to my writing,” she said, “to maybe just trust myself a little bit more. … It helps me remember that it’s OK to be me as a writer.”